
The Army Mountaineering Association embraces the wide range of mountaineering activities, including: use of climbing walls, sport climbing; hill-walking; rock climbing and ice climbing; summer, winter and Alpine mountaineering; ski mountaineering and ski touring; polar exploration; and expeditions to the greater ranges, including high altitude and exploratory mountaineering.

Army Mountaineering Association membership is open to:

  • Serving officers and soldiers of the Regular and Reserve Army and Army Cadet Force adult instructors.
  • Retired officers and soldiers of the Regular and Reserve Army provided they have previously been a member during their service and continued their membership.
  • Serving officers and soldiers of Commonwealth or foreign armies for the period they are attached to a British Army unit for any reason.
  • Civilians employed by the MoD and currently on the strength of an Army unit or establishment.
  • Retired civilians who have been employed by the MoD and have previously been members during their service and have continued their membership.

The Army Mountaineering Association recognises that mountaineering is an activity that contains an inherent element of risk and believes that its members must be aware of, and accept these risks as a matter of personal responsibility.  The Army Mountaineering Association therefore requires all of its members to acknowledge the British Mountaineering Council's (BMC) participation statement:


Trading Name
Army Mountaineering Association
Daytime Phone
01248 718364