Royal Life Saving Society UK Worcestershire (10017744)

0300 3230 096

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Unit 1 Introduction to Water Safety

We are the charity that cares about the safety of you and your family. Basic water skills can be lifechanging. Not only will they give you the skills and confidence to enjoy being around the water, but you could also, one day save somebodies life. Will you become a lifechanger? Every year across the UK and Ireland, around 700 people lose their lives in a water-related incident. Most of the incidents are completely unavoidable. Did you know that 43% of people would jump into the water to save somebody? A completely natural instinct, but an instinct that is often risky and life-threatening. We live on beautiful islands. Our coasts are surrounded by islets, and our land is punctuated by stunning waterways. Yet, without the right education, these can all pose a threat to us – often with tragic consequences. Water is a part of our very fabric, as is our enjoyment of being near it without fear. This short course will provide you with that right education, skills for life that will set you on your journey to becoming a lifesaver and gaining the knowledge and confidence enjoy the water, safely. For more basic tips on how to keep you and the family safe around the water check out our water safety web pages.

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