Alasdair Shaw - 63250

logs 1,907

Awards Completed

Member Of

Indoor Climbing Record


Date : 12/08/2023

Duration : 1-2 hours

Grade : N/A

Grade : N/A

Style : Assistant Leader/Instructor

Type : Lead Climbing

Routes : 0

Flagged :


Helping to develop a lead climber. He had been on the sharp end several times but now wanted to conquer fear of leading physically hard routes.
I was the lead belayer, and the instructor had him on a very slack top rope (if he fell the lead rope would catch him, but the top rope could be pulled in if he froze up).
First part of session (after warmups) was using the easier lead line. Each ascent, the instructor 'removed' holds near the clips, forcing the climber to clip in harder and harder positions.
There was then a rest period where fears were discussed, then he moved to a harder line.

It was interesting to see more of a development session than an intro to lead session. In particular the discussion on headgame.

Area : Wellington School
