Route - Grisdale Tarn from Grasmere
Weather - Overcast with moderate wind at Hause Gap and Grisdale. Mist and drizzle on the return journey.
Learning Points/Skills Practices - Route planning, re-planned route due to conditions (was meant to do one of the peaks but full winter gear required). Navigation due to snow coverage from 300m meant that paths were not visible. Use of Harvey Maps 1:40 scale.
Group - 2
Camp style - not applicable
The individual takes part in the planning and leadership - yes
Navigation skills are required away from marked paths - snow on ground no visible marked paths
Experience must be in terrain and weather comparable to that found in UK and Irish hills - Lake District
Knowledge is increased and skills practiced - see above
Attention is paid to safety - changed route due to winter conditions on the peaks. Crampons and Ice Axe required for the peaks which were not being carried.
The journey is five hours or more - yes
Adverse conditions may be encountered - moderate wind
Ascent of a substantial peak would normally be included in the day - No peaks bagged due to conditions but ascent of 777m
Area :
Central Fells
The Vale of Keswick, provides separation from the Northern Fells whilst to the west runs the long valley of Borrowdale. The parallel eastern boundary is created by Thirlmere and the St Johns in the Vale. Grasmere to Windermere forms the remainder of the eastern boundary. In the west, Stake Pass descends into Great Langdale.