Hello I'm
Alan Clark 463600

Membership Mountain Training Association

Membership Type Qualified Member

Membership Number 463600

Renewal Date 20/11/2024

I have been walking in the hills & mountains of the British Isles for over 20 years having largely concentrated on out of the way places. This came about through searching for and visiting historic aircraft crash sites in areas of high ground, at first around my home area of the Peak District before spreading to almost all areas of the UK. In more recent years I have been spending time rock climbing in the lower to mid grades and occasional fell running.
I studied Geology and Environmental Sciences at university which gives me a more detailed understanding of how ours mountains came to be and their underlying characteristics.
It was during 2019 I undertook ML(S) training and returned in early 2020 for assessment with Phill George in Llanberis.
Additionally I am a member of my local Mountain Rescue team holding the Mountain Rescue Casualty Care Certificate as well as a fall protection equipment inspector, MREW Rope Rescue Operator Instructor and hold enhanced DBS certification.
