Hello I'm
Alexander Paterson 80493

Membership BAIML

Membership Type Full Member

Membership Number 888/16

Renewal Date 31/12/2025

Membership AMI

Membership Type Full Member

Membership Number 1278

Renewal Date 01/07/2025

Membership Mountain Training Association

Membership Type Course Director Member

Membership Number 80493

Renewal Date 01/04/2025

Phone 07789173840

Email sandy@sotrg.co.uk

Website sortg.co.uk

Come and join me rock climbing, scrambling, navigating, learning new winter skill, climbing a winter climb, trekking in the Alps of Europe or getting some personal climbing coaching. My passion is the outdoors and coaching, instructing and teaching others in this environment in whatever aspect they want to develop. On top of the qualifications I have listed below I am also a Qualified Teacher having spent 8 years teaching Geography.
I hold the Winter Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor (WMCI), the International Mountain Leader Award (IML) and the Development Coach Award. This allows me to take you into technical terrain in the UK summer and winter be it mountaineering or climbing as well as walking and the IML allows me to lead trekking routes in Europe.
In the process of getting this award I have completed my Rock Climbing Instructor (RCI), Summer and Winter Mountain Leader Award (ML) and my Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor Award (MCI). This equates to 40 days training, 32 days assessment and a minimum of around 350 days walking, scrambling and climbing. I am also a full member of the Association of Mountaineering Instructors (AMI) and am the Development Officer for this organisation. Most importantly however, I truly love my job. Call it what you will but, teaching, instructing, coaching or guiding in the outdoors is brilliant. Every day is different as the weather changes, the routes vary and people's abilities, ages and expectations differ. Please feel free to get in contact with me so that we can discuss how I can help you fulfil your outdoor ambitions. In the unlikely event that I cannot be the one to help you, I will certainly put you in touch with someone who can.
Winter Mountain Leader Training 16/02/2025 Details
Winter Mountain Leader Assessment 17/02/2025 Details
Winter Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor Assessment 17/02/2025 Details
Chris Walker Memorial Trust - Avalanche Avoidance 20/02/2025 Details
Chris Walker Memorial Trust - Avalanche Avoidance 21/02/2025 Details
Winter ML Provider and Staff Seminar 07/12/2024 1.00
MTS All Provider, course director, tutor and staff seminar 09/11/2024 1.00
MTS Community of Practice Walking Discipline - Navigation Workshop 25/04/2024 1.00
AMI CPD 18/12/2023 1.00
Menopause – an introduction for Men - 1223 (06/12/23) 06/12/2023 0.25
Winter ML Provider and Staff Seminar 02/12/2023 1.00
Human Factors - Prevent accidents, train non-technical Skills 28/11/2023 1.00
MTS Teaching and Learning Skills 17/11/2023 1.00
MTS All Provider, course director, tutor and staff seminar 28/10/2023 1.00
Maintenance and Testing of Avalanche Rescue Devices 24/10/2023 0.25
AMI CPD UV Protection for Outdoor Professionals and their Clients. By Life Jacket LTD. Online webinar 29/05/2023 0.50
How to create an Inclusive, Welcoming Environment for all Learners 22/03/2023 0.25
National Centre IML Update Day 08/12/2022 1.00
MCI Mentors Training Day 18/11/2022 1.00
MTS All Providers and Staff annual seminar 29/10/2022 1.00
Short Roping and Scrambling - AMI Peer-led CPD 21/05/2022 1.00
Mountain Training Camping Leader Course Director Induction 05/04/2022 0.50
Navigating Inclusion in the Outdoors: Connecting with Communities (12 January at 8pm) - Opening up the Conversation 12/01/2022 0.50
Navigating Inclusion in the Outdoors: Diversity Equals Growth (16 Dec at 8pm) - A Business Imperative 16/12/2021 0.50
PYB / GL IML Staff Training 15/12/2021 2.00
Teaching Winter Navigation and Cas Care 09/12/2021 1.00
AMI MCI Trainers Update 12/11/2021 1.00
MTS All Provider, Course Director and staff seminar 30/10/2021 0.50
MTS Mountain Training Leadership and decision making course staff induction 09/10/2021 1.00
Mountain Training Pathway to effective leadership: MTS Tutor Induction 17/06/2021 1.00
Diversity - barriers to access and how Mountaineering Instructors can influence change 24/03/2021 0.50
MTS Invited Attendees Only: Mountain Training Walking Qualifications Proposed Leadership Competencies 26/01/2021 0.50
Client Avalanche Rescue Training in 15 minutes 22/01/2021 0.25
BAIML AGM 2020 05/12/2020 0.50
Winter ML Provider and staff Update 2020 02/12/2020 1.00
Course Directors & Staff Workshop 17/11/2020 1.00
Gamifying training for kids - Jamie Vardy, NICAS/NIBAS Course Director 10/06/2020 0.25
Course Directors & Staff Workshop 14/12/2019 1.00
Teaching Cramponing & Short Roping 11/12/2019 1.00
Gaming Approach to Coaching 10/12/2019 1.00
Adventure Sports Coaching Conference 07/12/2019 1.00
Lowland Leader - Course Director and Staff Workshop 02/12/2019 1.00
MTS All Provider, Course Director and staff Seminar 16/11/2019 1.00
SAFOS Conference 19/06/2019 1.00
AMI Safety Seminar 04/05/2019 1.00
Mountain Training Scotland RCDI Provider and Course Director Induction 01/04/2019 2.00
MTS Winter ML provider, Course Director and staff Seminar 15/12/2018 1.00
Avalanche Update 06/12/2018 1.00
Coaching Movement and Decision Making - A Gaming Approach 05/12/2018 1.00
RLSS National Water Safety Management Program L1 Qualification - Saturday Half Day Workshop - AM 24/11/2018 0.50
Avalanche Skills Update - Saturday Half Day Workshop - PM 24/11/2018 0.50
Mountain Training Scotland Climbing Schemes Provider and Course Director Seminar (including new Indoor Asst Induction) 31/10/2018 1.00
MTS Trainer, Assessors and Course Directors Reflective Practice Self-Assessment 06/06/2018 1.00
NNAS Tutor Award Training and Assessment 24/04/2018 1.00
NNAS Tutor Award 24/04/2018 1.00
Winter ML Award Provider, Course Director and Staff Update 2017 17/12/2017 1.00
MIC Mentoring Workshop 11/12/2017 1.00
Mountain Training New Climbing Schemes Induction 20/11/2017 1.00
Director & Staff Update Workshop for Walking Awards - MTC and MTE 18/10/2017 1.00
MTUK Provider workshop MIA 25/04/2017 1.00
MTUK Provider Workshop IML 24/04/2017 1.00
MTS Trainer, Assessors and Course Directors Reflective Practice Self-Assessment 23/11/2016 1.00
AMI - Scotland workshop (full day) 15/12/2015 1.00
AMI - Scotland workshop (full day) 14/12/2015 1.00
Mountain Training - Award Scheme Assessment Course (max. 1 day in length) 08/12/2015 1.00
AMI - Scotland workshop (full day) 07/12/2015 1.00
Glenmore Lodge - Adventure Sports Coaching Conference 06/12/2015 1.00
Winter ML Provider and Course Director Seminar 05/12/2015 1.00
BMC / MCofS - Coaching Symposium 31/10/2015 1.00
Mountain Training - Award Scheme Assessment Course (min. 2 days in length) 31/08/2015 2.00
AMI - Regional Event (full day) 30/04/2015 1.00
National Centres - Train the Trainer 16/02/2015 2.00
AMI - Scotland workshop (full day) 08/12/2014 1.00
Mountain Training - Award Scheme Training Course 01/12/2014 2.00
MTS All Provider, course director and staff seminar 15/11/2014 1.00
BMC / MCofS - FUNdamentals of Climbing 3 11/11/2014 1.00
National Centres - Train the Trainer 14/07/2014 2.00
National Centres - Train the Trainer 18/06/2014 2.00
AMI - Regional Event (full day) 30/01/2014 1.00
MTS Lowland Leader Award Induction 04/01/2014 1.00
MTS Hill and Mountain Skills Provider/Tutor Induction 04/01/2014 1.00
MTS Lowland Leader Award Induction 04/01/2014 1.00
Mountain Rescue - Team training event (full day) 11/12/2013 1.00
BMC / MCofS / MI - FUNdamentals of Climbing 2 29/09/2013 1.00
BMC / MCofS - Coaching Symposium 11/05/2013 1.00
John Kettle - Coaching Climbing Movement 17/04/2013 1.00
MIC Trainers Workshop 19/12/2012 1.00
Winter ML Award Seminar Glenmore Lodge 18/12/2012 1.00
MTS Climbing Awards Seminar 01/09/2012 1.00
BMC / MCofS / MI - FUNdamentals of Climbing 1 29/04/2012 1.00
Working on Ben Nevis 14/01/2012 1.00
Avalanche and Snow Pack Stability 07/12/2011 1.00
MLTS Seminar 03/12/2011 1.00
Rock Climbing Movement Skills 07/05/2011 1.00
MLTS SPA/CWA Providors Workshop 19/04/2011 1.00
