Hello I'm
Andrew Cash 116335

Membership Mountain Training Association

Membership Type Qualified Member

Membership Number 116335

Renewal Date 05/09/2024

Phone 07834 458 436

Email aimhigheroutdoors@gmail.com

Website www.facebook.com

Contour Masterclass 09/05/2021 1.00
ML Navigation Refresher 08/05/2021 1.00
Web based training/e-learning module (Educational body) 17/02/2021 0.50
Online webinar (MTA) 10/02/2021 0.25
Geology - Mountain landscapes & rock types 23/01/2021 0.25
Geology - mountain building 23/01/2021 0.25
Bmc Fundamentals Of Climbing 2 23/03/2014 1.00
APIOL (Institute for Outdoor Learning) 19/09/2013 1.00
SPA Assessment PYB 07/08/2011 2.00
SPA Training Ty'n y Berth 20/05/2011 2.00
ML(S) Assessment 01/12/2007 2.00
ML(S) Training 29/10/2005 2.00

I have been working in the outdoor industry for approximately 20 years and am very passionate about using outdoor adventurous actives to promote personal growth outcomes for young people. I started out as a youth working managing DofE for an open award centre and I have been the lead for multi activity based programmes in pupil referral units and residential schools specialising in behaviour.
More recently I have moved into further education and training utilising my experience and qualifications to coach and mentor new aspiring Outdoor Activity Instructors through vocational education and apprenticeships. Within these role I have used my qualifications to run mountain based residentials, teach technical skills and prepare learners for NGB training and assessment courses. In addition to this I have coached young climbers at a local climbing wall for many years supporting athletes to winning national youth competitions and reaching the GB Squad.
I continue to balance my current role delivering apprenticeship in the south east alongside supporting youth organisations as and when required as a freelance instructor. I am open to work on weekends but midweek can be difficult around my full time role.
