Mountaineering Federation of North Macedonia (FPSM), initially founded in 1948, is the most numerous non-governmental non-profitable sport organization in the Republic of North Macedonia with 120 certified Mountain Guides, 30 certified Mountain Trail setters, 20 Young Mountain Leaders and more than 3.000 members organized in 43 mountaineering clubs registered in FPSM.
FPSM is member of several international federations and associations: UIAA (International Mountaineering and Climbing Association), IOF (International Orienteering Federation), EUMA (EU Mountaineering Association), SFEU (Speleological Federation of the European Union), European Rambling Association (ERA), as well as the BMU (Balkan Mountaineering Union).
FPSM is responsible for the maintenance of mountain huts and trails and education of Mountain Guides, Mountain Trail setters and Young Mountain Leaders with the support of the Government Agencies for youth and sport, the Agency for Development and Promotion of Tourism and other projects. FPSM is managed by its President, Executive Committee, and Commissions, and the daily work is carried out by two employees in the FPSM office.
Main goals of the organization
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