Dorian Thomas - 177186

logs 877

Awards Completed

Member Of

Lowland Walking Record


Start Date : 21/04/2017

End Date : 23/04/2017

Duration : 2 Days

Style : Leader / Supervisor

Type : Quality Lowland Day

Weather : Clear - Sunny - Good Visibility

Wind : No Wind

Camping Type : Valley camp

Nights Camping : 2

Flagged :


Duke of Edinburgh Volunteering weekend for Silver Practice and Assessment.
6 groups in total, 5 on Silver Practice Experdition and 1 on Silver Experdition Assessment.
Friday night
Arrive and meet the groups and go over the plan for the next day with the DofE group manager and assessor.
Remote supervision of the 6 groups through heading to two check points and waiting for them to pass through. On occasion had to re-trace the routes in order to find the groups when they were overdue, which was most of the time. Found two groups when exploring from the second check point and put them on the correct path before heading to the campsite and waiting for all the groups to return.
Provided a team talk to one of the groups on working as a team as one member of the group was struggling and essentially left to fend for herself. The individual in question had to drop out at the first check point due to blisters on her feet. Administered first aid to her feet, but they were to bad for her to carry on.
In the evening reviewed multiple route cards, provided advice where they were walking on roads for too long and where it could be avoided. Provided advice on leg descriptions, i.e. what does the journey and destination look like by writing down key features.
Patched up multiple blistered feet in the morning.
Shadowed one group out from the campsite as numerous groups had got lost in this area on the previous day. The group navigated through this area without issues, I stayed with them until they reached the Kennet towpath approx halfway along their route. As they were doing very well I left them and returned to the campsite to collect car and head to the end point to again wait on the groups to arrive. In time they all arrived safely and were collected by the parents.
Experience gained, skills practised
Working with teenagers, first aid, low level navigation, remote supervision, shadowing groups, providing advice on group work, providing advice on navigation, route card preparation and route planning.
Sunny intervals on both days little to no wind, cold in the evenings with Saturday night being the coldest.
Dedicated campsite with limited facilities, toilets only.

Area : Wiltshire


Time Taken : 03:14:02 Distance : 13.76 km Ascent : 548 m Descent : -558 m Avg Speed : 4.51 kmph Moving Speed : 4.52 kmph