Route - Tarrenhendre and Tarren Y Gesail from Abergynolwyn
Weather - Overcast with good visibility, moderate southerly wind on peaks.
Learning Points/Skills Practices - Route plan and organisation. Map reading, relocation and re-route back onto intended route
Group - 2
Camp style - not applicable
The individual takes part in the planning and leadership - yes
Navigation skills are required away from marked paths - Yes number of areas where no marked paths, used hand rails on the two peaks.
Experience must be in terrain and weather comparable to that found in UK and Irish hills - Yes Snowdonia
Knowledge is increased and skills practised - see above
Attention is paid to safety - provided support on steep assents and bog crossing.
The journey is five hours or more - 6:36
Adverse conditions may be encountered - moderate winds on peaks
Ascent of a substantial peak would normally be included in the day - Tarrenhendre and Tarren Y Gesail
Area :
Cadair Idris
Cadair Idris or Cader Idris is a mountain in Gwynedd, Wales, which lies at the southern end of the Snowdonia National Park near the town of Dolgellau. The peak, which is one of the most popular in Wales for walkers and hikers,[1] is composed largely of Ordovician igneous rocks, with classic glacial erosion features such as cwms, moraines, striated rocks, and roches moutonnées.